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I was thinking something like this for the stamina scale:
200+ stamina: You're perfectly fine. You can use objects in your hands normally.
150+ stamina: You will stand up if you're not in rest mode. You can hit people normally if standing, or in the legs if prone.
100+ stamina: You can pick objects up and, if you're still standing, hit people in the legs with them. You can crawl if you're down or run if you're standing.
50+ stamina: You drop everything and fall over. If you click an item, you can "fumble for" it and move it to a random adjacent tile.
0 stamina: You are unconscious.

And like this for security weapons:
Flash: Knockdown + Disarm, 100 stamina loss.
Taser: 120 stamina loss - 20 per tile of distance. Disarm, no Knockdown.
Stun Baton: Two factors here, intent and targeting. If you aim for legs, you knock them down. If you aim for an arm, they drop what they're holding. Chest is 1.25 stamina damage. Head is x1.5 stamina if they have no helmet x0.25 if they do. Help intent = 0 stamina damage. Disarm = 125. Grab = 125, but you automatically switch to your other hand after the hit. Harm = 180 on self, or 0 + brute damage, depending on if it's on or off.

Essentially, a chest hit mimics the current behavior: they fall over, drop their shit and can't pick anything up or try to crawl away for ~18s. Leg hits put someone down for 6s and forces them to crawl for the next 15s after that. Arm makes someone drop something, but does not detain them. Head will put someone down completely for 30s, but only if you've taken their hat away already. Flashes will make someone fall over, but does not put them out of the fight. Tasers make people drop their weapon (and usually force them to abandon it if they're dodging your shots) but will mostly not put them down.

These dynamics change if someone is on drugs (you might need two hits with the baton) but not enough to make you unstoppable, just enough to incentivize Sec to police drug use if they've got nothing better to do.

Antag stun weapons should do knockdown and <100 stamina damage if you want to let people fight back a bit, or >100 stamina if you want them to have no chance to fight back.

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