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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Ed Venture Wrote:Things I've noticed from the new security lobby as I was testing it.

-Not enough security equipment lockers, Security only comes with three when there should be atleast four

-Weapons in the armory are out in the open, they should be in lock lockers in the armory cause anyone can hack a door and boom they got lethal weapons

-The size of the station is going to spread security too thin. I feel this can be fixed by having more then once security outpost across the station or increasing the limit on how many people can sign up as security

-I was really hoping more small cells, but we just got two small cells and one big cell again.

-The interrogation room needs a lockdown button

-The Brig timers have yet to be added

-I feel like security as a whole is way too cramped AKA I feel like it is smaller then the security we have on Cogmap 1. It needs to be bigger.

-I feel like security will be harder to break in and out of but because the station is so big and security will be spread thin I feel like anyone attempting to break in to security will have all the time in the world to break in and hack the armory to get the defenseless weapons inside

As it stands I feel like the security we have on Cogmap1 is slightly better then what security is on Cogmap2 this list was are my biggest concerns with security. Cogmap2 looks amazing but most of the issues I saw with the layout of security became apparent almost immediately after I stepped into the room

I feel like having the armory weapons out in the open is a good thing. This allows players who don't want to buy an emag to actually have access to the armory if they are willing to risk hacking a bunch of doors. Plus a good hos can always lock the armory down from his office.

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