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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Hmm that is concerning alright. I had a small feeling the hugeness of the map would have an effect of dampening security efforts but the recent testbed and banes post put things into perspective.
There would definitely need to be some security improvements alright. Something that REALLY needs to be looked at lest sec becomes a shell just to be raided by people with all access. God knows that it's already half like that as is. Throwing suggestions out on the table in this thread would akin to posting in the traitor item superthread, i.e: Not considered. But fuck it, lets discuss it and i'll repost it in a thread when the map is live.

What security need in a big map is not better weaponry, but better intelligence. I'm not talking about if sec did their ABC's and ate their oatmeal, i'm talking about military intelligence, like tracking, analyzing and cracking subterfuge. Stuff like:

-Improved security cameras. None of the list crap. Making it work like AI camera in that you can control with via wasd/arrows would be a HUGE buff alone.
-Door tracking. Marq's first door tracking thing was good but also flawed in that it's interface was jarring and it created lag (afaik). Remove the "tracking" aspect and keep the interface simple: Just simply insert the door code and that's it. Perhaps hitting it a sec analyzer reveals door code aswell as screwdriving? This would mean sec could find out who was in a room and when.
-Bugs. Covert listening devices. Plant them on people, in places to feed into security channel or a mainframe.
-Improved forensic analysis. The buff to the forensic analyzer was great, but it would probably need an even bigger buff with the map. Let it work over distances.
-Perhaps the AI could get an improved tracking ability? He could "tag" a player which would essentially feed info into the AI's chatbox about the location of the player. This would mean the AI could essentially track two players at once.
-Sec could do with a lockdown function, similar to the bridge lockdown function. The armory should also have a lockdown function with two buttons, one outside the armory and one in the hos's office. This makes cracking the armory even harder, as you'd have to take out the APC or if there's DWAINE involved you could take down the tripwire aswell.
-Frank's idea of improving segways is A+. Also what might also be good is that the chutes in security checkpoints could be two-way, meaning that security could be deployed from center base to the checkpoints. High risk if there has been station damaged and they could be a target of sabotage, but it would be a buff anyway.

I know some of those suggestions probably comes of as hitler but y'know not everyone plays security. Infact most people voicing concern about security are the ONLY ones playing security frequently. Let that be known.

Sex_Robot Wrote:Freely

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