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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Security is already a hit and miss job and often pretty thankless where failure means the victims will call you incompetent and success means the criminal resents you IRL. The shrunken size of security vs a larger map isn't just a case of coverage but also security's ability to look after each other. Security is not only a prime target for antags but also for the subsection of players who just want to be lolsowacky as possible and will try and disarm rush any sec member they see.

The current station meant that if sec was incapacitated, backup could be less than 12-15 seconds away. The isolative notion of the new station means that a venture greytider can shove over and rob a sec player blind like in the current station, but now he also has the time to throttle the sec player to death or space them.

Sec becomes infinitely more satisfying when it's organised, when Geoff Goldman or Sundance Freely emerge from their office and it is rare enough already, the new map even may counter that which will almost certainly lead to the withering of sec as a department as the people who play it a lot burn out entirely and the peripheral sec players who enjoy playing with the more experienced sec staff avoid it all together.

Although something tells me that to a subsection of the playerbase this would be the best thing to happen to ss13 in years.

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