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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Sex_Robot Wrote:I wrote a long post about this but I think it can be move sussinctly be summed up with "bye securit, hello grey tide"
Honestly, I'm not going to say that chaotic rounds are a bad thing, they're frequently some of the best rounds. But it should be manageable chaos, or at the very least chaos that you can feasibly keep track of. It's getting more and more uncommon to see security teams greater than about three people, and even rarer still to see a security team that actually communicates with one another as opposed to a bunch of officers who fuck off doing their own things individually.

Trying to micromanage the goings-on of the current station is difficult enough with a small security team, trying to micromanage the goings-on of THIS station seems outright impossible without something new being brought to the table. Frank_Stein's suggestion of making segways both more available and less absolutely useless (at least, for their intended purpose) would definitely be a step in the right direction, because the time between someone calling for security and security getting there is usually spent at the mercy of whoever's chasing after you. That time, while not non-existent, should not be very lengthy, lest security become completely neutered in their effectiveness.

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