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Mafia Gamemode
Alternate: Hostile Takeover

Between 1 and 3 people are chosen for this role, if they're signed up for it. These are the Head Managers.

They spawn on a little shuttle with some terminals and lockers full of pilfered station equipment.

They are covert representatives of a randomized company. Doesn't even have to be syndicate-based; just some company secretly interested in hostile-taking over this station.

They must do this in one of three ways, the completion of which ends the round:

1. They must complete enough sabotage missions that NT execs decides to cut their losses and give up on the company and evac the station. Just normal station evac is not good enough.

2. They must either convince or 'convince' a percentage of currently living non-head crew to defect to their company's cause. (explained later)

3. They must amass enough money to buy out more than half of the shares that NT has in the station, and then live long enough for the escrow to go through.

The round ends when either:

- Objective 1, 2, or three is implicitly completed
- All the managers are dead or have been afk for more than 10 minutes
- The crew manages to avert the buyout either by eliminating the managers or buying the buyout themselves

The Managers are given an intro sabotage objective (explained later) and told of the work they must do. They are given access to intro points and are allowed time to equip up and disguise themselves and choose a role.

There is a one way teleporter, that they can enter once they're all equipped and set up, that silently teleports them onto the arrival shuttle and gives them an ID level based on their chosen cover job. (They can only choose from a few non-head roles).

This is done in such a way that it looks like they're latejoining, and they're even announced as if they were latejoiners by the ai, and are put on the crew manifest. We can blame this on hackers or whatever.

They have their first sabotage objective, and if they complete it, they gain supply points they can spend through concealed uplink equipment, and gain a new sabotage objective.

Sabotage objectives are things like 'make sure the station remains unpowered for 15 minutes' or 'make sure there are no active cyborgs for 10 minutes', or basically anything that throws a monkey wrench into the station without having to be overt. Yes, this means some sabotage objectives they'll be able to just sit back and watch the station eat itself over.

Managers can Convince or 'Convince' living crew to join their cause. This is done either forcibly, through a limited supply of implants that they must purchase more of at some point. This also has the disadvantage that cutting the implant out reverses the 'convincing', but leaves the affected with no memory of the person or people who dun it.


Convincing them to sign a contract for the enemy company. This must be done by their hand, with a pen and a confirmation. Managers can print contracts out at will and have an infinite supply of them and pens, with a cooldown for the accountant monkey's poor hands incase they decide to be dicks and try spamming the station to death. (they should probably keep it on the down low.)

The contract then vanishes into a puff of smoke with sinister laughter, and the signee becomes loyal to the Manager cause.

The second option also has the benefit of being one-way, and not deconvertable.


As for the third objective; if they somehow amass huge enough money (going undercover as a cargo tech might be a cheap way to do this), they can go to the stock market and buy a majority share in the station. They can then initiate a company takeover, which will take about 10 minutes to finish the escrow of funds.

As to why they couldn't just do this normally from the inside? Maybe some interstellar law prohibits buying assets like that through the trading market unless you are currently a member of that organization, and as Managers are undercover as 'members' of the organization, they have legal precedence to do so (but only with their own 'legitimately' earned funds on company time)

A minute after this is initiated, the station is alerted by NT representatives that 'holy shit, such and such company just bought us out from the inside, and to either amass enough money to buy-out the buyout, or "terminate the contracts" of all the covert managers. (by terminate they totally mean kill or eject from the station literally)'

The crew then has nine minutes to figure out who dun it and beat their shins in or amass enough credits to avert the buyout. Crew that have been convinced to work for the other company, obviously, have incentive to let this escrow go through.


As to what they can do with their supply points? Besides implants, I guess covert office supplies that also serve double function to assist them in their cause. Like, fund siphoning, sabotage objective assisting, goodies and toys they can give people as 'signing bonuses', etc.

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