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Round Beginning Security Popup.
vampirate Wrote:I'd think some suggested punishments would be reasonable. You don't want people getting two minute brig sentences and their backpacks stripped for dumping paint on someone or something like that

Now this I don't agree with.

Waffles64 Wrote:It wouldn't hurt but I feel the thing with security is, there isn't really any rules set in place. It's up to the police/crew to decide what justice is, and I kind of like that.

Like I said before it's up to the officer how he deals with crime and punishment and if you think he goes too far

If your reasoning for wanting their to be a punishment guide because of what happen to you a month ago. You need to remember that you completely overreacted, the story you gave in your ban was not the whole truth from what the admins said in your ban and in IRC you did not give the whole story on it. I only say this cause when your ban first happen in IRC I asked if I could post in your band saying that if you were telling the truth how it happen then I wanted to say you were in the right for killing those officers, I was quickly shot down and made fun of by a admin in there. Because I did not have the whole story and it was later shown you did not tell the whole truth about what happen

Plus like I said the wiki gives guidelines on these things and if they want that extra info they will have to put in the little effort to go to the wiki. If this idea is your excuse to try and justify some sort of space law then I have to object.

Quote:Use common sense, if it is a crime in life then it's a crime in this video game. Examples of crimes would include breaking and entering, assault, theft, etc. Use your best judgement when arresting criminals and don't get discouraged if they whine (or imply that you're breaking the rules, as the case may be).

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