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Round Beginning Security Popup.
Waffles64 Wrote:It wouldn't hurt but I feel the thing with security is, there isn't really any rules set in place. It's up to the police/crew to decide what justice is, and I kind of like that.
It brings up questions like, what do you do with a confirmed traitor? Do you murder him? Do you just brig him forever (even though he'll totally just murder again), or do you borg him? What about non-traitors and their petty crimes? Is it really worth bringing someone over something silly? Not really. But would cops do this shit in real life? Absolutely, so they do in the game too (such as your situation).

The thing is though is the wiki gives some great guidelines on how to handle those situations, along with a short guide on how to handle antags and non-antags. The only way I could see the pop-up window working if it only told you the do's and don't and I feel like the pop-up could work and still let the player decide what type of justice they want to deal out if I did not think this then this idea would be a deal breaker for me. All-all I think a few tips and a small list of do's and don't with a link to the security wiki page could not hurt and at the same-time the player will still have to use common sense to guide them though their round.

Things on what to do with confirmed traitors should not be in the pop-up, because the rules don't apply to antags if you catch one they are at your mercy. Unless the Head of Security or (if the HOS is not around) the captain say "Don't kill him" you should listen to them. Even then the wiki gives you great insight on how to handle all antags and the situations but they should stay on the wiki if a common player wants that extra knowledge they will have to put in the little effort in going to the wiki and reading.

All and all I'm pretty neutral if this idea is added and like I said it's a good idea it's worth the discussion but a line has to be drawn on what would go in this pop-up and I think only general tips and do's and don'ts from the wiki should be on said pop-up.

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