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Nerdy games
Time to bring this thread back to life.

So I've been playing a lot of this game called Path of Exile. It's a free to play Diablo 2 game pretty much. It's pretty fun. Instead of a single skill tree for each class all classes can use any active skills and you can level up passive skills in any way you want. It's like the sphere grid from Final Fantasy 10 if you ever played that. The way the actives work is you slot gems into your equipment and use them like that. You can equip and unequip the gems all you want.

It doesn't have any power buying or anything like alot of free to play games. All you can buy are skins and effects for stuff. Nothing that changes the game just how cool you look.

I'd say give it a try for a few levels and see if it's your kind of game seeing as it's free.

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