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Give security belts
I think they're fine if they're purchased. Give one for free up front. They unnerfed tasers, the burst taser is a nice tool now. The reason it tickled me a bit wrong is because inevitably there is going to be those sec officers, you know the ones... the ones that take two or three tasers leaving none for others, who abuse the hell out of it. But I think holding one weapon and sec only items could be alright.

I'm not against sec having nice things at all. When I am a mechanic or med director I'll even go in and spawn them their own porto-med.

I think that more than one of the belts shouldn't be free, but honestly I wonder at how many free large beakers chemistry gets, and the huge amount of multitools and insulated gloves just lying around as well.

I'd like to see sec hit up qm and have them belt over the belts at the beginning of the round.

It's not just sec, I feel like a lot of free stuff is given, and it's made a lot of the game zero effort. It's upped the fun in some ways, but diminished it in others.

I'm all for sec getting some fun gear.

I'm also all for reupping the amount of cooperation the crew has to make the really cool stuff happen. Especially as far as qm is concerned.

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