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Give security belts
Ed Venture Wrote:
Hufflaw Wrote:You have no idea what you are talking about, you have no clue, what the hell.

To be honest that sums up almost all of vampirate's post for this past month.

Seriously I don't know why you feel why a security belt that pretty much acts like the box except for some minor changes would make security so OP it would break the game completely. I just can't fathom that logic. Even Houka who said he did not like this idea said he would not mind if it got added. Alot of experienced security players and other Head of Security players have said that this is a terrific idea but you treat it like it's the most broken thing to ever be consider to be added into the game

Actually I am pretty ok with the sec belt after we talked about it for a bit, and even suggested it be added as part of a sec upgrade kit or even simply a standalone purchase.

I think as long as it really only holds small items there's not much harm.

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