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Give security belts
and incase you don't want to read the whole thread here are some of the responses people gave when I brought up the idea

Vunterslaush Wrote:
Ed Venture Wrote:
Vunterslaush Wrote:The only problem I see with sec currently is that there needs to be a few smaller cells in the brig, to split up the population. Also riot shotguns are more than powerful enough to deal with most threats presented to you as an officer.

I agree more cells would be a welcome addition. I don't really think Security needs more firepower cause in my experience with being caught off with Syndies I've been able to outgun them with only a tasers multiple times.

One idea I have is this. You know how cops have a belt for their gun, tasers, cuffs, etc. I think a sec belt of some kind should be added so we can carry security equipment without it taking more then half of our backpack space. Some would say the box is pretty much does what I am suggesting but it takes a couple of precious seconds to get the box out then switch hands and then click the box to view your items. Just a suggestion, thought atleast it was a idea worth bringing to the table.

I like the idea of a sec belt as you start with a full backpack on signup, and item management is often an issue.

Fresh Lemon Wrote:I definitely like the ideas of secbelts and breaking up the brig a bit. Would it be possible to somehow alter Beepskys patrol for round start? It's kind of annoying how he immediately opens the front door and anyone can just run right in without access.

UrsulaMejor Wrote:I am way digging Sundance's two-inmate cell proposal.

yes please for police belts, with lots of pouches. it'd be cool if they could only hold one gun/baton, one flash, two pairs of cuffs, and three assorted tiny items though. a sec belt that's all guns feels weird.

maybe even have intents change what you pull out for instant removal!

help intent: brings up the bag contents for the tiny items
grab intent: pulls out a pair of cuffs
disarm intent: pulls out your flash
harm intent: pulls out your gun/baton

Lantern Wrote:Yeah sec belts are a pretty good idea honestly. They also will be insanely useful for expeditions. I can't tell you how annoying it is to loose your one gun because it was in the backpack you dropped 20 minutes ago because you were stunned by some dumb thing.

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