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atmospherics at mining magnet break repeatedly
I've also had rocks and/or ores spontaneously combust -- starting anywhere on a pulled asteroid (including many tiles away from the magnet), and with no artifacts, charges, or other apparent stimuli. At least once it happened after I had sat idle on the asteroid for about a minute, so there hadn't been recent asteroid hits from any laser drill / conc gauntlet / etc.

I believe it's happened to me four times over the course of as many months. It's been so sporadic, so bewildering, that I can't format it as a bug report. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

I'd never heard anyone else mention this sort of problem before I found this thread; I thought maybe I was just nuts. Maybe I really do need to capture video whenever I play, so I can stop being tortured by ephemera.

Or I could just go with what atomicthumbs posted. That sounds about right.

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