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GorillaMyDreams lljk4, 2 am 7/13
Admin: GorillaMyDreams
Server: lljk4
Date/Time: 7/13, 2:00 am
Synopsis: This is minor, really, but i would really like some insight on this. My brother's in game name was Poodle J. Touchdog until yesterday when GorillaMyDreams informed him that his name is a reference to bestiality of some kind and forced changed his name to something very rude. I could see how this could be a bestiality thing if you really twisted the words, but doing a quick google search revealed that Touchdog is a brand of dog coat. My brother had been using this name for a few days prior to this happening and no admins had complained, so I believe this might just be a case of oversensitivity on one admin's part.

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