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Popecrunch, IRC, 7/8 4:38 PM
popecrunch Wrote:You're flipping out because a guy joined your channel and left without saying literally anything, and another guy joined and then left after someone asked who he was.

1. You going to tell me that BlackrayJack was just skimming the channel list and joined literally the only other IRC channel I'm in on Syn out of curiosity? Bullshit, he joined it because I was in it, anything else is a lie.
2. The other guy didn't just join and leave. He also posted something.
Quote:17:15 Wire|Work adminvasion
Why post that? He said it was a joke. How is that a joke? That's not a joke.

And don't fucking talk to me about egos, buddy, you spent almost an entire hour on your soapbox preaching to everyone about how much of an activist you are.

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