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Best moments ever thread 2.0
BabaYaga Wrote:
BlackPhoenix Wrote:This last round, BombsAway777 popped a deluxe mindslave on me, the HoS. We went around with him pretending to be a new security guard and set about killing all of science and Quartermasters. I had several people mad at me for being terrible security after the round. It was a good time.

Yay this was me.

At the beginning of the round I was the Captain and called all important people to the bridge to welcome a visitor. The visitor was actually a pipe bomb. I then dressed up as newly recruited security officer James Macey and had the HoS mentor me while we framed (and then killed) the science team and quartermasters for the bridge bomb.

Officer Macey even had his own traumatic back story that the HoS played along with!
It was the best of times.

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