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Replicants as an Antagonist
BruiseCruise Wrote:
misto Wrote:the t-1000s capability of oozing under/between things, growing metal tools/weapons at will, posing as nearly any inanimate object as well as any crewmember, as utterly innate abilities, would be fuckin sweet, but might be too strong in the hands of a crafty player. a t-800 or t-x would be simpler to start with.

Hmm, perhaps. I was trying to think of a good middle ground between Changeling and Wizard in terms of stealth/rampage capabilities. I like the idea of being resistant to bullets and having ooze form, but everything else might be too ambitious. I think it's also important to consider what the endgame for the Replicant should be. Does it have to use violence to achieve its goals, or can it stealthily complete its tasks if done correctly? It's obvious that a Replicant should be able to blend in with the station, but as for what its ultimate goal is still eludes me.

Have their end objective be to leave the station as another crewmember whilst making sure said crewmember is dead?

May also have something that gets suggested a lot from time to time where you abduct crewmembers and 'experiment' on them for various nefarious purposes, so you could 'bug' them so they act like a camera to you, or rig them to explode etc.

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