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Let the AI directly possess robots
If it were a choice between one or the other I'd much rather have direct control than RTS hordes. Most rounds you simply don't get hordes of bots to work with, and judging by the current methods of commanding large groups of bots around (guardbuddies, securitron summoning, etc.) I don't think anything implemented would be as simple as what you're imagining. You'd first have to hope the bots responded to your commands promptly (unlikely) and then carried out their task in the most efficient manner when they got there (also unlikely). How often do you see e.g. a cleanbot just sitting around on a pile of gibs? I'd much rather trust myself to carry out a task than leave it up to the janky bot AI.

Also personally even if everything worked out perfectly I'd still prefer jumping into a medbot and saving lives myself than pressing a button and watching medbots do stuff for me. Anything that makes the AI a more active participant in the round than a passive one is a feature to be encouraged.

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