06-21-2015, 09:33 PM
Roomba Wrote:Directing hordes of bots would be fun but most rounds you don't get hordes of bots and judging from how well the 'summon securitron' function works, I doubt it would be all that effective. Just pushing the right bot into the right place can do wonders at times.I mean, if the AI could influence bots and generally be much more useful with them you'd probably start seeing robotics make a lot more of them.
Also while I don't think the AI should get a potential murderbot army right off the bat, there really aren't all that many hoops an AI can jump through, given how little influence it has on anything physically.
I suppose giving the AI the ability to direct them around would require some reworking of bot's code and what not, so direct control is probably the fastest way to get this into the game, I just think RTS style suits the playstyle of AI more.