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Mechanics rework: Get your ideas in now
At the very least, there needs to be a way to build devices in a much more compact and non-obvious fashion. As it is, anything that's more than a little complex will take up a fuckload of space. Make the soldering iron the tool used to secure and tinker with these devices, but also make it so that they can be made from hacked fabricators or purchased from some source so that a sufficiently motivated person can undo traps and such without having to murder a mechanic.

Pure blue-sky stuff here, but I'd love to see more devices in the game actually work off mechanics stuff, particularly if the above suggestion of a compact components grid/IC board make it in. So doors might have in-game logic that works like this:

An ID scanner input component takes the ID number, and pulls their permissions from the ID server. If it matches the desired permissions, then hit the open wire, and start a clock for it to close again. Otherwise, pulse the lights wire.

From there, a clever mechanic could add any number of things, ranging from the harmless (like something that sends a signal when a door opens, much like the attach signallers function works now), to the devious (payment input device requests 10 credits before it'll move to the opening logic), and outright dastardly (hit the shock wire if a certain set of permissions, such as those from staff assistants, are detected). If we assume some kind of integrated circuit is used, then the vend-o-mats and tech storage could have a whole bunch of backup boards that can be put back in place by crew that are wise to any fuckery and care enough to fully reset a broken door.

Likewise, the vending machines could be built from mechanics components in a certain configuration. For the sake of convenience, ruckengenur kits continue to work as they do now, producing completed products instead of unconfigured ones.

I know that it sounds complicated as hell, but the idea of bringing these, well, mechanics into the rest of the game is really quite cool. Plus, leaving the tools for it kind-of still available leaves it open for all kinds of fun usage from the rest of the crew from time to time.

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