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The Return of Jugglemancy
The Great Jugglemancy Incident of 2015 was when it was discovered that clowns could unexpectedly juggle players. In the process of juggling players, the clown would assimilate the juggled players into their freakish clown-ness. Thus, clowns would become hosts to the juggle victims, which would then suffocate inside the airless realm that was the clown-void. The victims could only be freed from their nightmarish prisons by the gibbing of said clown. This bug was promptly fixed, but not before the vast majority of witnessed nearly pissed themselves laughing.

I know this much, there has been some discussion over returning this dark art of jugglemancy in a much more controlled manner. The purpose of this thread is to provide an open, recorded, discussion as to how jugglemancy should be brought back.

The most common suggestion seems to be a traitor item of sorts, such as gloves. The only problem I see with this is that it's just another clown traitor item. The clown already has access to 3 unique traitor items, and access to another limited selection traitor item.

Another problem with jugglemancy is handling the jugglemancy itself. Traditional jugglemancy requires 3 people: The clown, the victim, and a volunteer who is willing to toss the victim at the clown. For jugglemancy to actually be able to accomplish anything without supplementary items like mindslaves, the middle man would need to be removed from the process. Also, the clown-void would likely need to be made more survivable to prevent jugglemancy from being too powerful, and also would allow it to be more comic.

So that being said, what's everyone's general opinion on jugglemancy and how it should be brought back?

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