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Ling chems SHOULD NOT affect other lings
Heiraphont Wrote:Snakes and spiders are susceptible to their own venom if injected. Humans have dangerous enzymes and acids inside of us that can kill us (looking at you, Pancreas). It's perfectly plausible.
Well, even if it makes sense from a biological standpoint, I think that Ali0en is more speaking about this in terms of balancing. You'd expect changeling vs changeling fights to be more epic and drawn out, but changelings are no more susceptible to other changelings than they are to any other normal schmuck, meaning that you can easily be felled from a neurotoxin sting just like anyone else can.

On the one hand, I get where this is coming from; Racking up DNA absorption only to fall victim to a poke from the same shit you've been using for the past thirty minutes is kind of anticlimactic. But on the other hand, it gives a sense of tension and caution to playing as a ling, because you never know when you might get stinged when you expect to be taking on an ordinary person. Seeing as tension and caution are what define the changeling gamemode, I'm hesitant to back this idea.

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