06-06-2015, 02:01 PM
FishDance Wrote:It was difficult to get an exact reading of what the engine was at, because a the power it was operating at the engine spent most of it's time displaying as "0 W" but then flickered on for a few cycles every couple of minutes, after this reading gas kept going in and getting hotter and stuff but the engine stayed at 0 W. My guess is that it would have been around 250 EW by the time it ran out of gas, (I did the math on it). I wonder if the number was just too big for the variable in the code to handle, if not, could a coder tell me why this happens the way it does?This is just one of those weird things that tends to happen after a hellburn that's been allowed to run for long enough. The energy output or gas mix methods don't seem to effect it, it just... happens. I'm not sure why.
Sex_Robot Wrote:Although cool, hell burns are annoying if you're doing anything other than tending the engine.. I'm the type of engineer that likes putting the ship back together but it's not easy when all the doors to engineering are locked down and the air is molten.Disconnect the fire alarms around Engineering and bring a spacesuit, firesuit and internals for yourself. That way you can do whatever, wherever, and can come back to check on the engine as you see fit.