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Random space laws.
So, there's been a lot of talk about letting Security do their thing and try to make the position more attractive. I had the idea of random laws, space laws that are added at round start which Security can choose to enforce (or not, like crew objectives).

Things like:

"All personnel must be wearing shoes at all times"
Or, "No tomatoes are allowed on station"
Or, "No walking the halls without a pass"

They should be more silly than things like "NO GUNS ALLOWED EVER", in the hopes that they'll provoke less violence and more interaction between Sec and crew.

And yes, I know, this is going to have a lot of people on both sides abuse it by being shit about it. As with everything that gets suggested, that should be mentioned. But I subscribe to the belief that if an idea sounds fun it should be added, and the outliers that ruin it should be dealt with.

EDIT: As an accompanying thought, maybe the laws could also have randomized severity. So it would basically be:
[Random law] [Random felony level], with higher felony levels demanding a greater response. So if you're caught with alcohol on a class b felony, you can expect to see the inside of a brig. But if it's like... class a misdemeanor you might get a ticket.

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