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Best moments ever thread 2.0
As the scientist who sacrificed himself for the cause, I shall write up as much as I can remember about the courtroom testing.

The Experiments

  • Internals : The test was whether or not you could avoid suffocating whilst inside the clown. To this end, several people wearing Internals were thrown into Clown Space, and surprise suprise they did not die. They were merely trapped inside. Forever. The extra fun bit was when they tried talking - [muffled human] inside HELLFUCK JUGGLEMASTER was what came out in chat. When the clown was eventually gibbed, they escaped intact and alive, somehow.

    Recursive Juggling: One of the first things everyone was wondering was whether clown juggling was recursive. To this end, there were several clowns in the courtroom, with some 'willing' volunteers. Some staff assistants were chucked within the clown, who was chucked within another clown, who was chucked inside another. The end result was, in fact, that you could stack clown inside clown inside clown.

    Explosions! : Could we detonate a bomb inside a clown? This was a difficult question, whilst inside the clown, it wasn't so easy to activate any bombs. To this end, they went over to Centcomm, and placed a pipe bomb inside a bible, then out that bible into their bag. They were then chucked inside, withdrew the bomb, and activated it. However, the bomb didn't explode - Not because it wasn't activated, the admins posted this - 'OOC: Daeren: 'blackphoenix0928/mahtchoh man signalled a radio on a transfer valve at horrible no-loc nowhere void.', it's just that the bomb didn't have an explosive mixture, and so it did nothing.

    Consuming from within: One of the more creative ideas, another admin (I think it was I Said No) had an idea to see if you could use the Matter Eater ability to eat other people inside the clown, as they counted as organs. Unfortunately this proved impossible - They could only eat parts of themselves. This did however lead to the horrifying sound effect of the clown having a constant crunching sound coming from it. Oh, and screams - People could scream inside the clown.

    Explosive testing!: At one point, I believe an admin spawned an explosive in his hand and detonated it. This led to him being gibbed, but he remained within the clown and did no damage to either the overclown, or his other victims. Even death was no escape. This led to the next explosion -

    The Matter-Antimatter explosion : This was the round after, but it came as the culmination of an entire clown round. Many were dead, and the sounds of honking filled the corridors. It was a hell on Earth, and painted smiles roamed free with no care for the consequences of their honking. A clown car drove its merry way around the station, kidnapping clowns, boxers and assistants alike, until it ended in escape. Inside it were clowns, clowns juggling other clowns, clowns juggling clowns inside clowns, what have you. This was when an admin detonated the Anti Matter explosion. Literally the entire station Z level was destroyed, even the listening post. There were two exceptions. The arrivals shuttle, and the people inside the clown. Yes. Being inside the clown space protected you from an explosion of a magnitude of around about 3e+08 I believe. At escape there was just a load of freezing, breathing clowns amongst a wreck of rods, holes, tiles, and general death.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head, but loads more things were tested. I've probably missed a few things.

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