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I was going to post this in the cloning paywall thread but figured that it might be best as it's own thread.

I would like to propose that we institute a Paranoia-style system for cloning. What this means for those that haven't experienced the glory of Friend Computer is that when you get cloned you pick up a genetic error - essentially a bad mutation - and they are distinct in the fact that you can't just pop a mutadone to fix them. As you get cloned more and more, the errors start to pile up. Cloned once, you'd have one error. Cloned twice, you've have that original error plus another one... and so on and so forth.

There are two methods for fixing these genetics errors - either a new genetics mini-game (which could make things worse and the pricing is left in the hands of the geneticist) or through purchasing a copy of your original NT records for a rather high price (say perhaps $5000-$10000) which you could then use to get fully fixed up with just a click of a button. Obviously both of these options would need to be performed in the gene-tek or some other genetics-restructuring device.

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