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This awesome dead battery idea from SA
Yes yes yes this a thousand times yes.

As we all know, being a borg with a dead battery sucks. You're sluggishly slow, you can't use any of your items, you can't hear anyone, you can't talk, you can't even use borg chat. It blows. Now, if there was a way to communicate with people while on a dead battery that'd be awesome. Angry Diplomat on the main SA forums came up with the best idea ever, especially with his delivery of it.

Quote:Why not give borgs their own, very distinctive low-battery version of whispering?

Buttbot 2.0 sluggishly warbles something.
Slamwise Ganja asks," "What?"
Buttbot 2.0 quietly burbles something.
Slamwise Ganja says, "Hang on, let me get closer to you."
Buttbot 2.0 wearily beeps, "I need a new battery you asshole"


Add it, this is the best, I love the idea of the speaker on the borg malfunctioning that you have to get up close, to whisper level, to realize what the borg is saying, and knowing that a borg might have a dead battery or be malfunctioning in some way gives people and especially roboticists something to do with the upkeep of their borgs. Also, I need a new battery you asshole.

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