05-14-2015, 07:33 PM
Marquesas Wrote:There will be further changeling ability additions, but at this point there are no plans to bring the instant KO back. To clear it up, it literally acts as a fluoro splash. Any headgear will be melted or if there is no headgear, the victim takes damage along with identity removal.
The melting headsets bit, however, is not out of the question. I'll leave it on the table in case balancing is required.
I'm also considering upping the damage (= the acid volume in the spit) and making it not homing. You could effectively grind someone to a slow limp with a single spit.
On the other hand I'd like to note that my stance on instant, free stuns is that it's detrimental to the gameplay. This doesn't mean I'm going to remove stun batons per se, but an effortless homing KO is really, really something that isn't fun to fight.
That being said I need to go nuke wizard from orbit because it goes against everything I just said.
RIP Wizards.
All jokes aside though I really do love this change with acid spit. In the past I thought that sooner or later admins would change acid spit to what you just changed it to or make it cost a shit ton of DNA points. Over the past couple of months you guys have been working slowly on balancing the changeling and I am super thankful for that.
Quote:Sundance wrote: What wizard SHOULD be is instead of having 4 spells, he should have 6. Those 6 spells are weaker than what he has now, but like changling he has to balance the spells and use them tactically. And maybe those 6 "spells" don't have to be spells. Adding in new staffs and enchantments, for which the current wizard only has 1 of each would diversify what's currently a very boring antagonist.
I can't help but agree with Sundance as well when it comes to wizards ( though I don't think they are boring). But back to the changeling so since they can no longer knock them out instantly I think the acid should melt everything on their heads, For example headsets so they can't call for help or making nerotoxing a tiny bit stronger or something.
Also on stun batons real quick. I don't think they need changing, they have been fine for years no need to make security's job harder then it already is.
All in all I feel like the changeling is really balance now so I don't have any concrete ideas on how to make it somewhat better (Since most of what I think the changeling should be has been posted by other people)