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Make a new class of Reagent holder
Roomba Wrote:I dunno, if the core of your request is 'I want these currently unextractable things to be extractable', it seems like it'd be better to just ask for that directly. Making an entirely new container for this sole purpose seems like a clunky workaround and doesn't really balance out the core idea bar making it a little tedious.
Clunky workaround? That's looking at it the wrong way. The reagent EXTRACTOR extracts things that can't normally be extracted. If you could interact with fuel canisters and IVbags directly then suddenly there are 200u and 250u beakers which would be abused easily. The extractor is the compromise. Means you can only transfer reagents between these containers and normal ones and then only at this machine. Not allowing it to be put into the chem dispenser or chemaster is the whole idea. It's like buffing with a built in nerf for balance.

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