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NT Dialysis Machine
A dialysis machine filters the blood in place of your kidneys to save your life. NT's dialysis machine filters all non-blood chemicals into a container so they can be reused. Oh, and it could probably save a life or something too. Drunk assistants and whatnot.

How would it work? In story? It circulates and filters your blood with advanced space-science methods. In reality? Probably like an IV that just sucks up every non-blood substance from your mob's bloodstream.

Couldn't this be abused? Hopefully. Do you honestly think people would actually use this as a medical device? Yeah, I do. Imagine that. Wouldn't scientists flood medbay to steal it? Beaker ejection requires medbay access. So quid pro quo, bitches. Or just yank my ID. Or emag it. Whatever.

How it would operate depends on whichever way is easiest to code. Click-dragging it onto a mob or vice-versa is one idea.

Also: Portable dialysis machine for the tater at heart. Or maybe to put into crates. Or space-venders. Or all of the above. I dunno. *shrug

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