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Chaplain Rework Discussion/Suggestion Smackdown
Yes this is something I felt for a long time the chaplain needed. But I do need to stress that the effects need to be minimal or situational, so chaplain doesn't become the on station wizard.

Suggestions/backing up suggestions:

Yes to monkey speaking, very situational.
I like the idea of smugness. Maybe not the smug emoticon popping up, but I could see many people picking atheist just to have a smug "heh" noise they could make. Think of all the times you could just say "heh" just because you could? Minimal.

I like the idea of curing heart failure (perhaps heart attacks?) and shock. Although it should be either/or. So for example if the someone is dying of heart failure and shock, and the chaplain casts his voodoo, he'll cure either instantly one OR the other. This of course may backfire, because if the person is already in deep shock, he may simply go back into heart failure again. Minimal.
Perhaps a neat thing is a sacrifice ability, where he could revive a dead player at the cost of his own life, gibbing himself in the process. Situational. Very situational.

I don't like the ability to see ghosts, although hilarious as you make it sound to be, it seems too powerful imo.
I like the idea of having a death clock, sensing if someone died. Wear a skull mask and speak "tick" into the radio, followed by a "tock" a few minutes later.
Also could sense if there's a ghost nearby. Perhaps he could also look at a corpse and tell if that person is either A) set a DNR or logged out B) is still there. This way he could see a corpse, notice the person is still there, sense the ghost is nearby and use that ability for good (such as dragging it to robotics/genetics?) Perhaps another ability tied into this is that he can tell who a corpse is if it has decayed into Unknown?
"This is Unknown.
He is bloated and rotten!
You sense that the ghost of Sundance Feely is has yet to leave this spectral plane"

I'll get back to the other ones when it's not 4am in the morning. morning coffee

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