04-28-2015, 05:51 PM
That time when there were 7 traitors each representing one of the 7 deadly sins with custom objectives was pretty fun.
Lust was a borg who fell in love with the AI and would never leave its side, not allowing anyone access to it.
Gluttony was someone with the matter eater mutation who went around eating everything.
Envy was collecting everyone's unique items in a locker.
Sloth was the AI, being lazy and melancholy, not responding to requests.
Wrath was just a heavily armed serial killer I think.
Pride was something to do with rank I think, not sure.
Greed was something to do with siphoning station funds maybe.
Lust was a borg who fell in love with the AI and would never leave its side, not allowing anyone access to it.
Gluttony was someone with the matter eater mutation who went around eating everything.
Envy was collecting everyone's unique items in a locker.
Sloth was the AI, being lazy and melancholy, not responding to requests.
Wrath was just a heavily armed serial killer I think.
Pride was something to do with rank I think, not sure.
Greed was something to do with siphoning station funds maybe.