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New Antagonist: Computer Virus
This new Antagonist is called a Computer Virus. It's one that can be picked.

Short Description
The Computer Virus is a rogue program that starts in one of the computers somewhere in the station. It's goal is to infect every electronic device on the station. The crew, however, is capable of sending it off the station. If this is done, the crew wins. Otherwise, the Virus wins. The Virus is capable of jumping from computer to computer, and is also capable of controlling bots. The virus itself, needs to escape on the shuttle in order to control the rest of space.

Long Description
The Computer Virus is a rogue program that starts in one of the computers somewhere in the station. The virus is capable of jumping from one electronic device to another. This includes ANY sort of mechanical machine, apart from Cyborgs or the AI. It is, however, capable of controlling fire alarms, APCs, etc. It can also control bots and infect Guardbuddies when the virus is in their docking port. Viruses can also cause vending machines to fire goodies on people. It's purpose is to take control of the entire station as well as the rest of the various outposts and spaceships scattered around that still function. Late-joining Viruses will spawn somewhere in the Debris Field, and will need to find and jump into a pod to transfer to the station. During the virus' stay at any one of the space locations that have not been completely blown up (Hemera, Strange Ship, Drone Corpse, Space Bee Hive, Robot Factory, Martian Outpost, etc.) And control the equipment. They can, for example, take control of the Egg pods in the Beehive and create an army of mind-controlled Beeslaves, which cannot be controlled by the virus due to being organic. They virus itself does not have a physical form. It can also be capable of jumping into the AI Shells. This would be an interesting mode. I hope you enjoyed. I tried to not talk about bots the whole way through. smile

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