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New Genetic Genes/Powers
I'm making these suggestions because my previous Genetics post, despite 50 replies nothing was really considered or brought up, and Genetics is as dull as ever with the lack of effective powers.
Personally I feel Genetics already has plenty of harmful ones but obviously I have to throw a few in there to balance my post out, also I think the ideas are really cool.


Healing Touch - Works much like the artifact, walking up to someone and giving them a heal through the power of your magic - boosted would let you bring the dead back to life (Given their brute / burn =<100

Cat Like Reflexes - Works much like Macho mans defensive stance, if someone swings at you. You have a good chance to deflect the attack - boosted would maybe make the deflect damaging to the attacker ( Jean-Luc deflects Bobs punch, tripping him over smashing his head against the floor. I'm sure you can think of better messages.

Invulnerability - Only for a small period of time, you become completely invisible to any form of damage (Amount of time can be chosen for balancing) - Boosted = longer active power?

Super Saiyan - Little gimicky one I thought would be funny, basically a glorified laser or taser beam shot from your character with a sound effect - Boosted could even gib you, but in a hilarious way. Screaming for about 30 seconds before exploding into gibs and laser damage.

Blink (X-men) - The power to conjur portals, click the power button, press when you want the portal to lead, then press where you want the portal to start. 1 man can go through before it closes behind you. Basically imagine a hand teleporter but much more advanced.


Super Hearing - A little like ghost chat, only with a much much smaller range, maybe you can hear through walls, up to 20 tiles or so - Boosted would give you ghost chat? Too OP? You tell me.

Luck - Not sure if it could be implemented without buggering a lot of code up, but lottery tickets. Cash making games and all of that, you have a bigger chance to win. Better chance that your arms don't get blown off in an explosion, things like that.


Colour Blindness - Obvious what it does, nice overlay of black and white.

Heart disease - Basically more susceptible to heart attacks, maybe random heart attacks are possible.

Asthma - Running too much causes you to hyperventilate. Can't run very much, basically you're just obese but not fat.

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