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cogblap v0.98 | beta testing will be happening occasionally
Idea: let's tie Toxins into Engineering more AND make it feel more like an actual research job.
Give Toxins a sensor in the mixing chamber, a computer to read that sensor, and a program that will let you set a Start Recording point and then keep displaying gas readings. Use some of the same code we've already got for engine debugging and atmos debugging to display the combustion efficiency and a bunch of other calculated data.

As it is right now, toxins will already be able to supplement the new engine, but imagine being able to have some hard data printed out like "yo this mixture we're sending you will burn at 60% efficiency and yield X change in heat and Y change in pressure over Z minutes" without having to figure that shit out yourself.

It could also demystify bombmaking a lot, and make the bomb lab feel like it has a reason for existing on a space station.

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