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Have you ever clicked submit and thought it worked and it didn't? Greeeeaaaaattt.....

Anyway I agree with a lot of things posted here, one thing most people seem to agree on is the Detective is not Security.
Surely agreeing on this means anything you do to the Detective should be leaning away from Security.

Only harmful ammunition would be really neat, or if you changed the taser rounds to bean bags like the shotgun only weak that would be really good too in my opinion.

I also think the Detective shouldn't have to worry about ammunition, or at the very least he should be able to aquire more from cargo or other secret places.

As a balance to only lethal ammo he would have to load his own speedloader(s), or speedloader...

If he had to load his own speedloaders perhaps there's a 50% chance he spawns with an extra one. "Jean-luc Picards prized speedloader" It also has a 50% reload speed booster..

The Detective is a really enjoyed roll for a lot of people, especially myself. A lot could be done with the job to make it even more desirable and interesting, especially with a community like Goon behind it's ideas.

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