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Give the "weird machine" critter some importance.
MORE things relating to this:
  • There is now a channel on TV where you may watch Scuttlebots and Robuddies wander about.
    Robuddies and Scuttlebots do not mind each other.
    On chance of getting a high-security crate, there may be Scuttlebot parts, as well as additional Guardbuddy parts.
    Scuttlebots will blow apart, much like other bots, when killed.
    You can also name Scuttlebots before they are done, just name the mainboard what you would like with a pen.

There are also new Scuttlebot types I will be listing.
  • PR-6 Scuttlebuddy : A more professional combination, made by putting a Guardbuddy mainboard and modules into the Scuttlebot shell
    Deputy Scuttle: Bot-Of-The-Law on-board the Communications Outpost. Comes with flashing red and blue emergency lights, stunners, and handcuffs. Also a massive jerk to geese.
    Scuttlesec 3000: Variant of the horrid Scuttlebuddy 3000, made from a Heavily damaged PR-5 Secbuddy and a MK.1 Scuttlebot Sentry. Extremely aggressive, will fire energy bolts at anyone who comes near.
    ScuttleGuard: Old variant of the Scuttlebot MK. 3, most of them have been degraded, much like the Secbuddies. They will fire bullets at anyone who comes close.
    ScuttleLamp: An old MK. 2 Scuttlebot converted into a following lamp, useful during power outages, or blowouts.
    ScuttleBrain: Made by attaching a brain assembly onto a Scuttlebot. It can basically control the Scuttlebot, except for its weapons.

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