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Unknown Admin, October 2013, LLJK1
Admin name: No idea
Server: LLJK 1
Date/Time: October 2013
Synopsis: So this happened ages and ages ago but I only actually figured out what was going on now. I spent about a year namebanned on LLJK1. I made an appeal, here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2285, and was told that I wasn't banned and it was probably some kind of bug. After about a year it apparently magically went away on its own. I figured, hey, it's BYOND, stranger things have happened.

And then today an admin shows me my notes and this is in them:

(DEL) Oct 21 2013 12:09pm | Submitter: #### | Server lljk 1 us | Player Key: dauntasa
Note: Name banned until player learns that name recognition is just e-cred circlejerk bullshit.


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