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Make the robotic conversion chamber less stupid
It seems like an all or nothing item. I've only seen it used successfully once, but it was very succesful. The traitor subverted the ai first, then put the chamber in the middle room of the ai's upload (the room between the upload computer and the killswitch). Two cyborgs just sat in there borging everyone that tried to reset the ai, so obviously this can only work if the round starts with a few cyborgs, or you manually convert a few people first.

However, even this would have failed if not for what might have been a bug; One of the cyborgs started pushing me into the dock and I stunned him with the flash. I assumed this would interrupt his pushing me in, and stayed next to him to try and take his brain, but his action finished anyway and I got borged. I was not happy about that, but I don't know if it was a repeatable bug, as it may have been lag. He didn't have the operational upgrade or simply start pushing me in a second time, I checked the chatlog for that.

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