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Dauntasa Wrote:The .38 with stunners loaded is a taser. You give him a taser and he's a sec officer with a funny hat.

I hate to bring up an old post, but after going through a 3 or 4 rounds as Detective today I did want to make a post about speed loaders or lack there of.

I think the quote speaks a lot for what I want to say. With how taking ammo from the detective you are really just making him more of a Security Officer. Wasn't this the opposite of what you wanted when you moved his office away, to make him less of a part of Security, and more of a real true Detective.

I don't have an opinion with the Stun ammo acting like a taser, however bullets are bullets. Not tasers.

The amount of readily available ammo is Incredibly smaller compared to how It was before, so much so I found myself asking for a taser from Security at the start of my round, just so I didn't feel sick after I had to reload twice in one confrontation with a Syndicate (Please no get a better aim comments)

Going onto Syndicates, and trouble that might arise from gun wielding maniacs, When you are likely to need the use of Deadly ammunition you have 14 bullets at your disposal. Once they're gone you have nothing in the way of lethal ammunition.

I found myself with a taser far far too many times and using it over my revolver.

I haven't seen the original post that's mentioned at the start of this one but if one of the reasons for the Detective losing their ammunition is because of terrible Detectives, then punish the terrible detectives. Not the job.

If Detectives are meant to be this outside of security force, don't Nerf down their equipment until they might as well be wearing a red suit and a dorky helmet.

A true Detectives way of dealing with Syndicates
(Please pause video at 3 seconds into shooting if you believe the Detective should have ran out of ammo.)


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