Allura's Head of Security application
Usual Character Name: Clare Quilty (mostly as security officer) or Puddle Jones (exclusively as detective)
BYOND Username: Allura
Recommended by (if applicable): TheHman03
Times Available: Weekdays 2 PM - 12 AM, Weekends 10 AM - 12 AM

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): To put it simply, I've been around on Goonstation for a little more than 3 years now. For the first two and a half years I was unreasonably inactive because I liked to hop between several servers weekly, although my go-to job has always been security. I never felt like I was really "worthy" of the job because I was scared that, as someone who rarely played, I really didn't know what it meant to be security. About four months ago I really began to try and make a difference, playing exclusively Goonstation, and I've been stuck here since. Today, after joining a round as security and realizing that I basically had a routine for a round playing as security, I thought maybe I should apply for the beret.

Something that I admire about the HoS position is that it usually evokes a strong sense of maturity from players who normally enjoy goofing around. Whenever I begin a round as security and see the HoS in their office, I feel like they're an actual authority around the department. Usually both I and other officers seem to go out of our way to make sure the HoS feels proud of us and isn't in a bad mood. They're the truest leader of the entire station, because you want to listen to them and do what they say. Any regular security officer probably wants to command this authority, it's just that being around a skilled HoS makes you think that you might not be ready yet. Now I feel like I'm ready.

Simply because of how much more important you are and the fact that you can sometimes determine the outcome of a round makes this job attractive to me. Were I to be the Head of Security, I would be given an actual job on the station that I can't decide I want to quit randomly, and that job is making sure people are having fun. Coming to finally feel that I am ready to help my department both have fun and remain in line, making sure that everyone ELSE is having fun? I think that makes me more than deserving of the job.

Security Experience (300 word minimum): I've spent loads of rounds as security, both here and on other servers. Playing as security offers a learning experience as you adjust your playstyle to go out of the way to maintain a station, not structurally, but culturally (for lack of a better word? aheh). I've spent many, many rounds defending a station with my co workers over the silliest things and I've enjoyed every last one of those occasions.

I've enjoyed it so much because I feel like I understand the strategy to the job: not being so individualistic as most other jobs would demand but focusing on teamwork and communication. Being sure that you have a squad of competent, flatulent friends that will eliminate threats (or, instead, slap them upside the head and make them a more fun threat for everyone to enjoy) to keep people having fun.

A good trait that I exhibit, one I've observed from many other amazing officers and heads of security, is that I don't go out of my way to end the round of a traitor or someone playing mean-hearted pranks as a miscreant/non-traitor. Instead I like to offer different, humorous punishments that both entertain me and the person who is being "punished". Why would I space the cryo-grenade tossing clown when I can make him box with me, or have a fun rap battle? Loser gets brigged for a couple minutes, of course. This is a mindset that I think definitely shines in the best heads of security, and I'm glad to have learned about it and practice it.

Of course, with the time I've spent playing as security, I've gotten one of the most important traits, and that's that I am a good player, for the most part. I think I can handle most combat oriented situations fairly well and I can keep it together, not letting my anger get the best of me. Being a good player means that I have a higher understanding of what a nice round or a nice security force is, and that's one that demands one thing from you: to have a whole lot of fun. Does that make me a softie? I don't think so, because if you decide you want to keep other people from enjoying the game, you'll take a long walk outside the station thinking of what you've done.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): Something that's great about our security is that it, like most of the station, is built around silly accidents. It may be weak and not entire structurally sound, but that's nothing but a good thing. Security is a great place for fun to happen, and though a large part of that is the action of players, the genius of the layout makes sure that you won't have any issues come the need to perform a dashing escapade with your friends.

The biggest flaws are things like the fact that you can't get your ship back into the security hangar, the department is totally tucked away and hardly exposed to maintenance for various break ins, and the hilariously easy to enter armory.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Nothing I know about, unless I was banned years ago. I don't think I've been job banned either, and I've never been admin PM'd unless I was asking a question.

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