04-11-2015, 08:07 AM
Okay i going to start out by saying that i LOVED the idea of spy, A spy master's getting a group of elite spy-nerds and them waging a spy-war by using stealth and sneakery to find out who's the other spy masters are. The problem is that this NEVER happens. The spy's just mindslave people and proceed to hunt down and kill everyone they see, This in turned resulted in spy being shut down for being shit.
Now i thought of a way to make spy 100% better while still keeping the original theme of sneaking and stuff
Round start-
2-4 spy masters are spawned on the station.They start with 1 mindslave implant and a special Device/Pda feature. This pda has 3 or so features to it
1-The ability to request missions, completing these missions will give you points to spend in the shop
2-The shop, contains useful Items and tools containing toward your mission
Shop items-A random traitor tool
Mindslave implants
First letter of a Spy masters name
A special Headset that contains a unique FREQ for that spy team
3-The ablity to see what missions the other spys are working on
Now number 3 is what makes this unique, By using number 3 you can have one mindslave snoop around and see if anyone is completing those objective and then he can report to you who is potentally a spy
Now i bet your asking yourself what is stopping them from rampaging and killing everyone? Well The syndicate want to find out who is the best spy and not the best murder so they set a condition if they kill a civilian the other spy's get a random letter of their name
How the round ends
The round ends when either there is one spy left OR the shuttle is called and arrives. If the shuttle passes the point of no return the spy's will be instantly alerted of who the other spy's are for one more fight to the death
Now i thought of a way to make spy 100% better while still keeping the original theme of sneaking and stuff
Round start-
2-4 spy masters are spawned on the station.They start with 1 mindslave implant and a special Device/Pda feature. This pda has 3 or so features to it
1-The ability to request missions, completing these missions will give you points to spend in the shop
2-The shop, contains useful Items and tools containing toward your mission
Shop items-A random traitor tool
Mindslave implants
First letter of a Spy masters name
A special Headset that contains a unique FREQ for that spy team
3-The ablity to see what missions the other spys are working on
Now number 3 is what makes this unique, By using number 3 you can have one mindslave snoop around and see if anyone is completing those objective and then he can report to you who is potentally a spy
Now i bet your asking yourself what is stopping them from rampaging and killing everyone? Well The syndicate want to find out who is the best spy and not the best murder so they set a condition if they kill a civilian the other spy's get a random letter of their name
How the round ends
The round ends when either there is one spy left OR the shuttle is called and arrives. If the shuttle passes the point of no return the spy's will be instantly alerted of who the other spy's are for one more fight to the death