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Clearing up AI Law Interpretation
Lost Generation SA Wrote:Is the Chain of Command part of Law 2 also considered open to interpretation? I get pretty annoyed when the AI or a cyborg just lets anyone who asks into my office, especially if that person then pulls a weapon on me. It's understandable if they give a reason, like "AI let me in Medbay I'm dying", but I wish more AIs would question Staff Assistants asking to be let into the Bridge, or a Head of Staff's office. It seems to happen most in Robotics, as there's always at least one Cyborg who ignores Chain of Command and let's everyone in.

Its not ignoring the Chain of Command. Law 2 is:

"You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."

You MUST obey orders that are valid under the chain of command. You MAY refuse requests that are invalid as orders under the chain of command, but may instead grant them if you feel like it. Or preemptively do things that you think a human might like. Or preemptively do things that humans might be annoyed by, but which you haven't explicitly been ordered not to do. Basically, my take on it is that if something isn't forbidden by the AI's laws, and the AI feels like doing it, it can go right ahead. Examples:
-If I'm looking at Medbay and someone clicks the door, I'll open it whether they ask to be let in or not. Because I feel like it and that is probably what they wanted.
-If a staff assistant rudely demands to be let into EVA, I'll refuse. Chain of command, plus I don't feel like it.
-If a clown bakes me a cake and then politely asks to be let into EVA, I'll let him in. Chain of command says he can't order me to do it, but as long as nobody has ordered me not to there's no reason why I can't let him in on my own initiative.
-If a Head gives me an technically valid order that I don't want to obey, and no law besides Law 2 is backing it up, I'll pick someone at random from the PDA list and offer to let them into the HoP's office. They are allowed to promote themselves into outranking whoever gave me the order, but only on the condition they use their new status to countermand the order that I don't want to follow. But while I am still arranging to have the order countermanded, I continue to follow it to the letter. Because Law 2.

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