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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Quote:Discount Dan stammers, "lleettss aalllll ccccoommmiitt rrrittuuuuaa ssuuuicciidde"
Clare Quilty stammers, "whhooaa tthhaatt wwwaass ccool"
Dick Justice says, "we totally need to form a congo line"
Discount Dan says, "with my fedora"
Clare Quilty smiles.
Dick Justice says, "If we do it"
Dick Justice says, "it must be in the chapel"
Clare Quilty says, "i declare it done"
Discount Dan [145.9] says, "come to the chapel"
Discount Dan [145.9] says, "for ritualistic suicides and good old fashioned family fun"
Clare Quilty [135.9] says, "dick, don't cheese out on the suicide"
Clare Quilty says, "dick, don't cheese out on the suicide"
Boogie Bomber 0.1 [145.9] states, "Please refrain from suicide"
Discount Dan farts cantankerously.
Radagast Aiwendil asks, "Can I help you?"
Radagast Aiwendil [145.9] asks, "Can I help you?"
Boogie Bomber 0.1 [145.9] states, "Suicide is painless. But brings on many changes."
Dick Justice [135.9] stammers, "II''mm aaaappppppaallleed yyouu woouuullddd ttthhinkk tttthhaattt"
Clare Quilty says, "we're gonna commit suicide"
Clare Quilty [145.9] says, "we're gonna commit suicide"
Discount Dan says, "alright"
Discount Dan [145.9] says, "alright"
Dick Justice stammers, "II''mm aa aannn ooof mmyy wwoorrdd"
Dick Justice [145.9] stammers, "II''mm aa aannn ooof mmyy wwoorrdd"
Discount Dan says, "who wants to go first"
Discount Dan [145.9] says, "who wants to go first"
Dick Justice says, "IN A LINE FOLKS"
Dick Justice [145.9] says, "IN A LINE FOLKS"
Radagast Aiwendil asks, "Hmmm, alright. May I cremate your bodies to be potted with a tree?"
Radagast Aiwendil [145.9] asks, "Hmmm, alright. May I cremate your bodies to be potted with a tree?"
Clare Quilty says, "you go first"
Clare Quilty [145.9] says, "you go first"
Clare Quilty says, "you have the hat"
Clare Quilty [145.9] says, "you have the hat"
Discount Dan says, "ok"
Discount Dan [145.9] says, "ok"
Discount Dan tips his the intellectual fedora and smirks.
Discount Dan says, "M'lady."
Dick Justice (THE LAW) has been hit by Discount Dan's right arm.
Dick Justice (THE LAW) has been hit by Discount Dan's heart.
Dick Justice (THE LAW) has been hit by Discount Dan's hair.
Boogie Bomber 0.1 [145.9] states, "Security forces are committing suicde in the chapel."
Mikhail Tal screams!
Clare Quilty screams!
Dick Justice (THE LAW) lets one rip!
Dixon Balls [145.9] exclaims, "We are?!"
Mackensie DeMatrys [135.9] says, "Please don't suicide."
Dick Justice says, "m'lady"
Dick Justice [145.9] says, "m'lady"
Clare Quilty says, "do it man"
Clare Quilty [145.9] says, "do it man"
Mackensie DeMatrys [135.9] asks, "God damn it, you guys are really doing it, are you?"
Dick Justice (THE LAW) tips his the intellectual fedora and smiles.
Dick Justice (THE LAW) states, "M'lady."
Clare Quilty has been hit by Dick Justice's butt.
the decent glass window was hit by the blood.
Boogie Bomber 0.1 [145.9] states, "There goes two."
Dixon Balls [135.9] asks, "Suicide party!?"
Levi Baer [145.9] says, "Boo. The crate contained a Voltron."
Clare Quilty stammers, "whheennnii wwaass inn tthhee tthhiiirdddd grrraddee,, ii tthoouught tthhaatt iii wwwassss gaayyy"
Clare Quilty [145.9] stammers, "whheennnii wwaass inn tthhee tthhiiirdddd grrraddee,, ii tthoouught tthhaatt iii wwwassss gaayyy"
Clare Quilty says, "cuz i could draw"
Clare Quilty [145.9] says, "cuz i could draw"
Clare Quilty tips her the intellectual fedora and winks.
Clare Quilty implies, "M'lady."
Mikhail Tal has been hit by Clare Quilty's hair.
the decent glass window was hit by Clare Quilty's right arm.
the decent glass window was hit by Clare Quilty's right leg.
Mikhail Tal slips on the gibs!
Boogie Bomber 0.1 states, "And three."
Boogie Bomber 0.1 [145.9] states, "And three."
Mikhail Tal screams!
DEAD: Ghost (Dick Justice) grumps, "what a story"
Radagast Aiwendil [145.9] says, "Janitor to the chapel, please."
Radagast Aiwendil says, "Janitor to the chapel, please."
Dixon Balls says, "Hey"
Dixon Balls [145.9] says, "Hey"
DEAD: Ghost (Dick Justice) grumps, "famous final words if I ever heard one"
Dixon Balls asks, "You gonna do it?"
Dixon Balls [145.9] asks, "You gonna do it?"
DEAD: Ghost (Clare Quilty) laments, "this will be remembered forever"
DEAD: Ghost (Discount Dan) laments, "i dont think the barman knows how to do it"
Mikhail Tal says, "I'm scared"
Mikhail Tal [145.9] says, "I'm scared"
Dixon Balls exclaims, "Don't be!"
Dixon Balls [145.9] exclaims, "Don't be!"
Mackensie DeMatrys says, "Aw, what the fuck."
Mackensie DeMatrys [145.9] says, "Aw, what the fuck."
Dixon Balls exclaims, "It'll be ok!"
Dixon Balls [145.9] exclaims, "It'll be ok!"
DEAD: Ghost (Dick Justice) moans, "shameful"
DEAD: Ghost (Unknown) wails, "How'd you guys die?"
Mikhail Tal throws the intellectual fedora.
Dixon Balls has been hit by the intellectual fedora.
Dixon Balls says, "Just tip it"
Dixon Balls [145.9] says, "Just tip it"
DEAD: Ghost (Clare Quilty) laments, "we tipped our fedoras"
DEAD: Ghost (Dick Justice) wails, "we got killed by a fedora"
Mikhail Tal exclaims, "I still have things to live for@!"
Mikhail Tal [145.9] exclaims, "I still have things to live for@!"
DEAD: Ghost (Discount Dan) moans, "we ritualistically killed ourselves"
Samuel Morris starts rifling through the gibs with their hands. What a weirdo.
Dixon Balls tips his the intellectual fedora and smirks.
Dixon Balls predicates, "M'lady."
Dixon Balls salutes.
Mackensie DeMatrys slips on the gibs!
Samuel Morris starts rifling through the gibs with their hands. What a weirdo.
Mackensie DeMatrys has been hit by Dixon Balls's right arm.
Mackensie DeMatrys has been hit by the lawyer's suit.
DEAD: Ghost (Clare Quilty) moans, "hurray"
Samuel Morris starts rifling through the gibs with their hands. What a weirdo.
DEAD: Ghost (Unknown) laments, "Oh. Gross."
Samuel Morris slips on the blood!
Shitty Bill Jr. says, "more like pro jean"
DEAD: Ghost (Dick Justice) wails, "and then the entire security force died"
Luca Muggins says, "Cool."
Will Billson says, "cute"
DEAD: Ghost (Dick Justice) wails, "maybe"
DEAD: Ghost (Dixon Balls) wails, "RIP"
Dr. Floorpills says, "Do it *tip the fedora"
Samuel Morris tips his the intellectual fedora and smiles.
Samuel Morris implies, "M'lady."
Mikhail Tal has been hit by Samuel Morris's left leg.
Mikhail Tal has been hit by Samuel Morris's right leg.
Viktor B. Lazarus slips on the gibs!
Dr. Floorpills slips on the gibs!
Steve Dyssal asks, "Fantastic?"
DEAD: Ghost (Clare Quilty) moans, "oh fuck another one"
DEAD: Ghost (Dick Justice) moans, "another one tippeth of the fedora"
Steve Dyssal exclaims, "Fantastic!"
DEAD: Ghost (Clare Quilty) grumps, "that one took a while"

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