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'Help Rick Gibbed not be deaf' fund

So if you remember a while back, Dr.Cogwerks ran into some home troubles. The community managed to all come together and give him a helping hand to get back on his feet, and it was really awesome!

I just heard today that Rick's (host of all the LLJK servers) hearing aids recently broke. He's unable to get new ones in a reasonable timeframe, which is a real shitty situation to be in. I suggested maybe he should set up a page for donations.

Apart from the occasional donation, Rick has been hosting goonstation out of pocket since April 2008. He's supported us for 7 years straight, no questions asked. I'll just repost what he posted on his gofundme page:

Quote:Hello, I'm Rick. You might also know me by the alias gibbed.

I've had borderline severe/profound hearing loss since birth, and have been wearing hearing aids since.

The pair of hearing aids I was using up until just recently have stopped working. Due to their age, it's not likely I will be able to find any way to get them repaired for a reasonable cost. The hearing aids I were using were made available to me in 2001, for nearly 15 years they functioned very well, which is surprising, since most will tell you that hearing aids have an average life expectancy of 5 years.

Unfortunately, I am currently self-employed as an independant contractor, and do not make nearly enough money to pay for new hearing aids out of pocket within a reasonable timeframe.

Hearing aids are expensive, and the severity of hearing loss that I have does not allow me to consider many lower-end models of hearing aids. I've recently discussed with an audiologist my options, and I am looking easily at around minimum $1,000 per hearing aid that will help with my hearing. This would be for the absolute bare essentials that could work.

Sadly, I applied through CareCredit for $2,100 and was declined. This doesn't leave me with many options.

I'm hoping to raise funding for new hearing aids, and appreciate any help that you can offer.

While $2,100 is the bare minimum I would need, this is paying for hearing aids that are essentially what I was wearing 20 years ago. With $3,800 I would be able to pay for more modern hearing aids, which would be much more beneficial in the long run.

Please give if you can guys, every little bit helps!

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