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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Some things I've noticed from this map change:

The AI chamber has extra computers in it, presumably to make common AI tasks a bit easier to accomplish. I see a QM, budget and a couple security computers there. The chambers are also far less potentially lethal to access, due to the lack of a separating airbridge. The server room is completely separated from the upload now, found near the Bridge.

New audio tools! A microphone/speaker combo at the Boxing Ring, a speaker at the Chapel, etc.

Muuuch improved crew quarters, probably infinitely easier to crime in. Speaking of...

Dark crime hallways are at an all-time high with this map. The northern area of the station, in particular, has a few little areas in it that would be scarily good for hiding criminal activities. But now a morgue is right there as well, granting easy access to corpses in these areas.

Medical improvements are pretty good. Pathology is in a very scary spot for how pathogens currently function. The old 'medical crime room' that Pathology was is now a separate maintenance room. The monkey pen is now even more separate and holds a monkey dispenser, which is awesome in that it is more beneficial to geneticists and criminals. The Medical Director's room looks swanky now, an improvement that I like seeing.

Research has some oddities. For instance, mixing gases in there will be more difficult without the three-way connector that the current map has. Is there a reason for this? The test chamber looks extremely hazardous (i approve) and I enjoy the idea of more people being able to see insane experiments. A separate 'hazardous chemistry' room from normal chem? Not necessary but certainly nice to see.

I like how open this map looks, because it makes it much easier to get around but not in a way that makes it feel... empty or purposeless. I saw Donut 2's brief return during Halloween and the size of that map seemed to lack aesthetics severely. This one has viewing windows and other ways to see into departments, as well as lobbies to break it up, a vast improvement over Donut 2 and the current Cogmap. Playing it might reveal some pros and cons that can't be seen just from looking at it, but I'm confident this is a map without too many glaring flaws and plenty of good points.

Keep up the good work, Cogwerks! This looks nice.

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