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Detectives, their gun, and supercopping.
Things I agree with:
+The stun rounds making a different noise
It would be a sure sign that the detective is being shit. Make them sound more muffled or rubber sounding. "BOOOINNNG"

+The detective spawning with less ammo.
Holy shit, the det has far too much ammo. He's not meant to be fucking rambo. There shouldn't be .38 speedloaders in the security vendors.
The box of ammo he starts off with should be just fine.

+Detective being a separate entity from security
I agree the det should be far more individual. Remove security access, but leave the sec headset. Remove the sec vendor. Give the detective 2 pairs of cuffs.
Optional: Give the detective bridge access, and make the door in the interrogation room detective access. That way, he can get into security if he really needs to, but it would be at the caveat that it'll be for interrogation.
If security dont want to take someone off the detectives hands whom he's arrested, then that's their prerogative. The traitor of the station in the hands of a drunk man with a pistol, sec (and the traitor for that matter) should not be surprised if that traitor winds up dead on their doorstep.

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