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Detectives, their gun, and supercopping.
I think removing the detective from security would be a bad idea, along with not making any sense. I suppose you could frame it as the detective being fired and then becoming a PI solely for profit, but that makes him even more of a vigilante than he was before. If he's not on the sec team then why should he hold himself to the high standards (lol) the sec team is held to?

Ali0en Wrote:Remove his sec access entirely. He's not a member of security like (mostly) everyone plays him to be. He's a non-biased, third party who's supposed to help find out who the bad guy is.

What? He has always been (and currently is) a member of the security team. You say this like it's some sort of established truth but it's clear you're pulling it out of your ass in an attempt to legitimize your point.

If you're a sec officer/the HoS and see the detective being shitty, arrest him. He shouldn't be in sec hawking over the lockers waiting to snatch a stun baton, nor should he be arresting crew for petty crimes and trying to be the warden in the brig.
Even better, play as the detective yourself and set a good example! Get drunk at the bar, chainsmoke everything you can get your hands on, *monologue everywhere and confuse people, solve crimes and actually cooperate with the sec team etc. Maybe the dorks usually playing detective as a supercop will learn something, even if they're not the current detective (you) is being good!

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