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Brain assemblies ~ Sentient bombs and much more.
Yeah my main irk with the sentient bomb was the entire aspect of whether the player who is sentient can actually do badstuff.
It'd seem redundant to kill a traitor and strap his brain to a bomb, and even more redundant to kill one of your mindslaves and do it.

It brings up an interesting question: Maybe the sentient object is a slave to their purpose, rather than their creator?
A sentient bombs purpose is to explode.
A sentient vending machine is to advertise tasty snacks, etc.
This way, the rules aren't so vague at what you can do. If you are a brainvat, and you were built for a purpose, then your job unlike borgs who follow laws, is to complete that purpose. A brainvat's purpose is just existing, and yelling. A brainbot's existence is free will, and it can decide to do what it likes as it has the ability to do so.

This is all new territory, I think it's rather fun, we should be discussing more objects which a brainvat can connect to. Mulebots and pods are one thing. I'd like to think a brainvat can access the maintenance terminal and override anything without tools.
Maybe it can be wired to a computer (ghost in a machine?) or a door frame for access that otherwise would require a card, but could potentially backfire rather hilariously.

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