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bring back the filler jobs
I'm kinda with redster here. The guys saying there's "no point" in adding fluff roles should also logically agree with just having everyone start on the arrivals shuttle, naked, holding their assistant PDA, and having to go get whatever clothes for whatever job they want, then bug the HoP for access to said job.

Adding in a few gimmick jobs doesn't eliminate all the HoP's work, since there's still gonna be plenty of legitimate job changes to be had. I know that whenever I join late, the first thing I do is find out if the HoP is still around, and if he is(he almost never is), get a job change to literally anything else that he'll give me.

The people talking about how just changing into whatever outfit not feeling the same as actually having that be a job are correct. Even when I join late and get assigned a legitimate job, I feel like I'm shoehorning myself into that role, and forcing my coworkers, if any, to endure my wasting the extra clothes and equipment that's already usually pretty scarce.

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